Optimal Sound for the Perfect Design
Primacoustic sound absorption panels provide lots of acoustic, as well as design-friendly benefits. By controlling sound reflections and echoes within the spaces you design, sound absorption panels help improve speech intelligibility, while creating a more comfortable listening environment. This can reduce acoustic problems associated with popular design specs like hard surfaces, glass, and high ceilings.
Complementing The Décor
In addition to their practical benefits, Primacoustic sound absorption panels also offer a range of design options. Panels are available in a selection of materials, from high quality glass wool to eco-friendly PET plastic. The range includes various different sizes, shapes, and colours, and can even be painted so the panels complement your design vision. We even offer personal consulting and installation services to help you achieve your vision without compromising aesthetics and style.
Primacoustic — The Smart Choice
Investing in acoustic panels is a smart choice for any architect. Primacoustic sound absorption panels help improve sound quality, enhance the overall experience of a space, and offer design options that complement your aesthetic vision. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your space.
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Every project and space is unique. Fill out the form to speak with one of our experts and find the right acoustic treatment the first time.