Sound Partner
When it comes to solving acoustics issues, we’re not only experts, we’re your solutions partner. This means we’ll help you describe, and sell, acoustic treatment options. We’ll work with you to build a sound absorption solution from the ground up, addressing specific intelligibility issues, all within your timeline. The result will be an easy-to-install and aesthetically pleasing sound absorption solution that will draw rave reviews from your client.

A True Partner From Start to Finish
We’ll guide you through the entire process from design to installation. We’ll give you the tools and sales support you need to provide acoustic treatment solutions for your customers moving forward. And, if you’re new to acoustic treatment solutions, we’ll set aside time to provide additional education, so you can source and grow your own acoustic treatment customer base.

Innovative Tools to Elevate Your Business
At Primacoustic, we provide more than just exceptional acoustic solutions—we equip you with cutting-edge digital tools like our Room Designer app. This powerful tool simplifies the sales process, enabling you to visualize customized acoustic treatments for your clients’ spaces. Impress your customers, close deals with confidence, and showcase the value of acoustics like never before.