How do Acoustic Panels Help?
Think about being in a busy room, like a restaurant, a gym, or an office. You may find that it is difficult to hold a conversation, or focus on a task, because of distracting background noise. This is a result of sounds from speakers or nearby conversations that travel around the room, bouncing off of hard surfaces, amplifying the noise in the space (Figure A). By treating a room with Primacoustic acoustic panels, most of that sound energy is absorbed, reducing the echo or reverb, and increasing intelligibility (Figure B).

Sound Treatment vs Sound Proofing
It’s important to note that sound treatment differs from sound proofing, which is a misconception we see on occasion. For more information on this topic, read our blog at the link below.
Are Acoustic Panels Right for Me
Primacoustic acoustic panels are designed for all environments, (not just recording studios). Acoustic treatment is important for critical listening as well as creating a comfortable space for customers or employees. Controlling ambient noise in houses of worship, offices, classrooms and restaurants can be problematic and speech intelligibility is often compromised. Primacoustic acoustic panels are the best way to manage excessive noise in any space.

Acoustic Panels for Recording Studios
One of the most popular applications for acoustic treatment is in Recording Studios. Whether it’s a professionally-designed mixing space, or a bedroom turned home studio, the quality of a recording is highly dependent on the room’s acoustics. Primacoustic offers a range of acoustic panels, as well as other acoustic solutions like diffusers and bass traps, to help achieve the ideal recording environment.

Broadway wall and ceiling acoustic panels are made from high performance glass wool in order to deliver broadband absorption across all frequencies – Ideal for critical listening spaces.

Made from PET plastic (Polyethylene Terephalate), which comes from recycled plastic water and soda bottles, EcoScapes wall and ceiling acoustic panels help sustain our outside environment, while enhancing your inside environment.

The TelaScapes Fabric Track is comprised of three fully customizable components: absorptive filler panels made of high density Broadway glass wool or eco-friendly TelaFill PET panels, a modular track system, and a selection of stretch fabric available in a wide range of colours.
Sound. Design.

Primacoustic acoustic solutions are intended to be versatile to match and complement the aesthetic of any room. All panels are available in a range of colours to match any décor.

If you want to take customization even further, Paintable and Printable panels are an innovative acoustic solution. These panels feature a specially formulated textured latex surface that may be printed or repainted to feature images and logos, or act as stand alone artwork.
A range of available panel sizes and shapes allow you to achieve both aesthetic appeal and practical functionality by creating a design that seamlessly blends different panels.
How to Get Started

PrimaPro Calculator
Explore a range of acoustic treatments for your industry, environment and budget.

PrimaPro Room Designer
Get a better sense of your space’s needs and the right treatment for excellent sound.

Ready to Buy?
Our extensive partner network means there is a knowledgeable dealer near you to help you get started.
Ready To Be Heard?
Every project and space is unique. Fill out the form to speak with one of our experts and find the right acoustic treatment the first time.