Acoustic treatment out of sight
Primacoustic offers a wide array of acoustic ceiling panels for just about any situation: For commercial installations, horizontally suspended Broadway Clouds are ideally suited for controlling sound in restaurants, cafeterias, museums and retail spaces. For rooms with high ceilings, vertically suspended Broadway Baffles absorb energy on both sides making them ultra effective. For spaces such as offices, that employ T-Bar ceilings, ineffective fibre panels can be retrofitted with StratoTiles for improved acoustics while ThunderTiles can be used to both control acoustic sound energy and stop sound from travelling between rooms.
For larger projects, our Archadia clouds and baffles can be completely customized so they integrate perfectly into your design.

Broadway Clouds

EcoScapes Clouds

Archadia Clouds

Archadia Curved Clouds

Stratus Studio Cloud

Broadway Baffles

Designer Grain Beams

Archadia Baffles

Archadia Wave Baffles
Ceiling Tiles
